How Do I Place an Order Online?alexei1152018-08-30T05:18:37+00:00
Start shopping by browsing through our catalog and clicking on a product that you want to order.
You can see the product details, fit and sizing, and available options on the product page. You can also change the quantity of your order from this page, after that click on “Proceed To Checkout” button to add it to your shopping cart.
On your shopping cart page, you can also view the estimated shipping price, or to compute the final shipping price, please login. Delivery Information Page – Fill up the form (check the shipping address). After that, click on the “Continue to shipping method” button.
Finally, You will then reach the payment information page. After confirming that everything is in order, then click on “Confirm Order”. Viola, You are all set! We will begin to process your order.